Collection: Faiza Naturals

Faiza Naturals是北美最大的白鼠李和薰香包的國際分銷商。 我們是一家有道德的自然和精神商品批發和分銷企業,負責任地、可持續地收購健康的產品。我們在南加州的全有機農場擁有直接所有權,因此我們提供最高品質和最優惠價格的產品,如手扎鼠尾草薰香棒、貝殼碗、精油和更多。我們的重點是生產鬱鬱蔥蔥和充滿活力的商品,同時保持可持續的耕作方法,如曬乾和輪流田間收穫,以安撫大自然。我們所有的商品都是以小批量的工匠方式生產的,並進行了精心的包裝。

We are an ethical natural products company that responsibly and sustainably acquires wholesome products. We have direct ownership in farms so we guarantee the best pricing on items such as hand-tied sage smudge sticks, shell bowls, essential oils and so much more. All our products are produced in small artisan batches and meticulously packaged. We meticulously and sustainably source only the highest grade of all natural products and ingredients that not only meet our unparalleled standard of quality but our deep sense of ethics to those help us create beautiful products to adorn your home.

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